Numerology Software for PC Windows (XP, Vista, Seven, Windows 8...)

Numerology Software DLM 666 new version...

SOYONS, France (March 1st, 2013):

Delemme Diffusion today announced the launching of a new version of
DLM 666,
a Numerology
for PC Windows (XP, Vista, Seven, Windows 8...).
To discover it, download it from the company Web site
DLM 666 makes affordable this complex Art which deals with the Future and your Destiny.
It also provides Life Readings based on different methods.
Serious and well formatted analyses are generated, and a copious on-line documentation included.
Available at 30 USD.

All is ruled by the Number... (Pythagoras)

Numerology is the Art of decyphering via the Numbers what cannot be imagined by the human thought.
DLM 666 allows you to see what is planned for you: Luck, Money, Career, Health, Studies, Love Life.
For instance, it allows you to know the "climate" of a given day: auspicious or not.
Improve your Life by knowing your future!

Milleniums pass, Tradition remains...

"DLM 666 computes and explains all the Numbers attached to your Birth Date, Your Surname and your Christian names.
Within a few clics, you get the expertise and wisdom of old masters!
" says Michèle Delemme, CEO of the company.

A Professional software for all...

"DLM 666 is pro, it has been developed for professional practitioners.
But it's also great fun: generate your Life Reading ... and learn
Numerology by the same and smooth way!"
explains technical manager Hélios Delemme.

"As the Numbers often vary,
DLM 666 allows you to prepare yourself Year after Year, Month after Month, Day after Day, even Hour after Hour if you want.
This program is specially interesting when you have to deal with bad periods or, on the contrary, when you want to make the most of a good period.
