Bio Rhythm Freeware.

Rhythm & Bio is a BioRhythm freeware.

the BioRhythm Software
Rhythm & Bio

Present Status

As usual, those who believed in it behaved like fanatical ayatollahs and annoyed everyone. Sportsmen or vehicle drivers advised to rest on a given day, without any further explanation, is a caricatural example.
Like all trends, people soon stopped talking about it. The inevitable swing back of the pendulum... Once again, a story of rhythm (see our text on this matter by pressing, inside the software, the button Other Rhythms)...
In short, this theory is in its phase of low water at the moment.

We are interested in your opinion

Although they may not have deserved this former excessive honor, BioRhythms perhaps do not deserve either the current disgrace and are worth the trip... Especially with an excellent free software at your disposal!

Try them on yourself and on your close relations:

  • Go back in time and check if such and such a painful day corresponded to a critical day,
  • Find out your compatibility with certain people,
  • Anticipate your (theoretical) periods of maximum sexual performances,
  • Spot your lucky days...
  • Personalize the period of cycles and see if a certain period couldn't suit you better.
Tempting, isn't it?
  • If the results impress you, bravo! you have joined the ranks of the converted.
  • Otherwise, you will probably join the anti-biorhythms side :-(
    It doesn't matter anyway, we are no fundamentalists...
In both cases, do not hesitate to tell us about your experience...   

© Delemme 2005-2011

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